Certifications ISO

We want to work to achieve excellence in our field and to be pioneers in the implementation of renowned certification systems. Here are the 3 ISOs we have:

ISO 9001 (Quality management system)

Specifies the requirements for the quality management system when an organization:

  • Must demonstrate ability to consistently provide services that meet customer requirements and applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Aims to increase customer satisfaction through the effective application of the system, including processes for system improvement and assurance of compliance with customer requirements and applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

ISO 39001 (Road Safety Management System)

Specifies the requirements for a Road Safety Management (RH) system to enable an organization that interacts with the traffic system to reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries related to road accidents that it may have. an influence.

ISO 22320 (Emergency Management System)

Specifies minimum requirements for an effective operational response, and provides the basics required for command and control of operations, for operational intelligence, for coordination and for cooperation within an organization involved in operational response.