ALSA’s Code of ethics and best practices

Compliance culture at Alsa

At Alsa, we have established an organizational culture focused on regulatory compliance in all areas, ensuring the effectiveness of controls related to various subjects and strengthening our compliance model.

Our compliance model is based on the following key elements:

  • Identifying activities with criminal risk.
  • Establishing protocols and procedures necessary for defining and implementing processes to mitigate the risk of offenses.
  • Monitoring and assessing the compliance model.
  • The obligation to report any issues, complaints, or non-compliance through Alsa's Integrity Channel.
  • Raising awareness and emphasizing the need to comply with applicable laws, as well as internal regulations and procedures.
  • The Integrity Channel allows for anonymous and confidential communications, guaranteeing protection against retaliation for the whistleblower.




It establishes the principles, values, and behaviors that must govern the organization and are mandatory.



It sets the objectives and foundations of the criminal compliance management system at Alsa, as well as the roles and responsibilities.

Alsa Integrity Channel

At Alsa, we believe in our values (Excellence, Safety, People, Customers, and Community and Environment) that obligate us to strictly adhere to regulations, especially since our mission is to drive the transition to public collective transportation.

We have continuously evolved over the past hundred years, which is why we consider our commitment to ethics and transparency to be a constant companion in this journey.

For this reason, in compliance with Moroccan legal provisions aimed at protecting whistleblowers, we have established a secure channel where our employees and stakeholders can ask questions, seek consultations, and report any irregular or unlawful behavior that violates current legislation or Alsa's Code of Ethics, which is published on this site.

We provide you with three means of communication at Alsa (all channels allow for anonymous communication).

Integrity channels


By telephone:
0800001155 (Morocco)

With your mobile phone using this QR code