Safety at ALSA - Morocco division

Our goal throughout the ALSA organization is to continuously improve safety by ensuring that our employees know and apply the required safety procedures. For this we focus on the Human, Organizational and Technical aspects.

We treat the safety of our customers and our staff with utmost importance, in the different cities of the Moroccan kingdom.

Our road safety management system and the safety in our facilities is constantly being reviewed and we are working closely together, for improvement, with:

  • Our central departments in the United Kingdom and Spain.
  • The competent authorities in the field of security, at the level of Morocco.

The safety of our customers and our employees


  • Our drivers trained by our training center, continuously, to ensure safe driving on the edge of our bus.
  • Our drivers are sensitized daily to the aspects of road safety.
  • Awareness campaigns for our customers on the safety rules to be respected at the edge of our buses and at our stations.


  • Teams (service technicians) dedicated to evaluating the quality of our drivers' behavior and their respect of our safety standards.
  • Incident tracking teams on our buses, to ensure assistance to our customers.


  • Surveillance cameras of our buses.
  • Our buses are equipped with safety technology (ABS-ESR braking system, speed limiter, integrated automatic door release system ...).

The safety of our buses


  • Maintenance teams, experienced and competent to ensure high level maintenance of our fleet.
  • Daily awareness of our maintenance teams on their safety during interventions.
  • Drivers trained on the security check of our buses before service.


  • Our maintenance workshops work around the clock to ensure the availability of our fleet with the highest level of security.


  • Our maintenance workshops are equipped with a technology that guarantees controls and interventions of very good quality..